Before I forget, I want to document the birth story. So, I go in for my last doctors appointment on January the 27th. My blood pressure was raising like a banchi, (I swear it was from all the stress from wrapping up my deals at work and the "nesting" phase with my house, etc.), said I was creeping up to Toxemia. So Doc wanted me to come back in on Friday for a stress test for the baby. So I did, everything was fine. I wasn't due until Feb.2, and they wanted to induce me that Sunday January 31. So we had our last "Hoorah", we went to a movie, went to breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday & Sunday. I couldn't do much, because I was a whale out of water and could barely walk. I tried everything to go into labor that weekend, because I was so nervous about them inducing me. My worst fear, was the big "C". So we're gearing up on Sunday, packing the bags, got our ipod all ready to go with our "birth" music, and movies ready. So we head to the hospital to get checked in. I could hardly sleep that night, they gave me the softeners, since I showed no sign of dilating or giving birth anytime soon. So we tried to sleep, somewhat that night. I kept eating those ice chips with flavoring, yes they had icee flavoring for the ice chips. The next morning rolls around, and still nothing...if you know what I mean. So, they start me on the pitocin drip. Double dose. Still, nothing. So doc decides to break my water. That started the process quickly. I then demanded the epidural right then, since he was going into surgery soon and it was either then, or I wait a few hours. So I get the epidural, everything was pie in the sky from there. We were watching movies, listening to music it was great. I must admit, I never really was in pain at all that day. It was great. So doc keeps checking me, and slowly but surely I'm finally a 3! Yes, a 3! Some women are at a 3 for their whole last month! So I started getting worried about the big "C". Another hour passes by, and nothing, and nothing. Finally it's about 4pm now, and I'm finally at a 5! Doc stops talking about the big "C" now, and we're making progress. Each hour I was getting closer and closer. I requested another bag of epidural, I kept thinking I was running out. So finally I'm at a 10 by about 10pm now. So we starting the pushing phase. Things were going good, moving along as planned. I kept pushing and pushing and pushing. Nothing was coming out. ha! Doc comes back to check, and I will never forget the look on his face. He looks at me, and says, looks like we're going to have to do a C-Section. I immediately starting freaking out and became hysterical! This was not part of the plan, nor how I envisioned this. And, it was not ok. I refused and told him no, I'm going to keep pushing. They checked the baby to see if any distress was happening, and he was fine, just chillin in the canal. So the doc let me push for another hour. So I did! I was determined he would come out. And nothing again. After 3 hours of pushing, and consoling with my mom and friend who had a C, I decided that was the best option and we needed to get this baby out safely. By this time, I've had 2 bags of epidural, been on it since 9am that morning. It's now 1am on Tuesday morning Feb.2. They then pump me with higher dose of numbing stuff and morphine, so now I'm completely drugged up and going on no food, no sleep for a long time. All I remember is, them moving me around...and bright lights as they wheeled me done the hallway. I was so out of it by now, I just remember hearing baby Oliver cry for the first time and I just started crying. The weirdest thing, it didn't even seem like I gave birth. I didn't get to hold him for about an hour. They have to do more tests on babies when they're taken out. So they wheel me back to the room and bring Ollie in. It truly is indescribable the feeling you have, holding your baby for the first time. It was so surreal, and one of the happiest moments in my life. I had to stay in the hospital for 4 days after you have a C. Since we checked in that Sunday night, we were there until Saturday morning. Since I gave birth Tuesday morning at 1:50am. I didn't mind it though, our hospital was amazing and brand new and the nurses were wonderful. Except the night nurses, they are one of a kind. There's a reason they work nights I think. ha! The food was great, the bed was amazing, it raised up and down and every which way. Since I could hardly move and get up, it was nice. We were well taken care of, and there was hardly no other patients, which was weird. I couldn't imagine our life without him now. I think back to when it was just me and Ben, and I wonder what we did with all of our time...? We truly are blessed to have such a wonderful baby in our lives. He's our little cheeky monkey!

For some reason, his nose in this picture looks HUGE! It looks like a little pig nose.

He loves mean muggin' people.

This is what happens when Ben has Ollie, I go to pick him up from daycare...and there he is in a Metallica onesie, and flamer vans!
Look at those lashes! He gets them from Ben! I always make fun of how long Ben's lashes are.