Sunday, September 27, 2009

Steve & Nikki finally come to Visit!!

Steve & Nikki finally came to visit us! Steve has been Ben's best friend for a long long back to Arizona. They've been talking about coming up to visit us in SLC, and they finally did. We had to be the best tour guides, and the best entertainers. Did a jig here, did a jig know, the whole dog and pony show! We took them up to a waterfall up in the Uintahs, and went up to Mirror Lake to fish. We also went to Seven Peaks water park, those pics will definitely NOT be posted. No belly pics up in here. Not yet. I'm working up to it. Even being pregnant in all...I LOVE water slides, and I just ignored the "WARNING, IF YOU ARE PREGNANT - DO NOT RIDE THIS RIDE!!" I thought: "I'm not THAT pregnant, just a little pregnant right now." So I went on the rides, every single one of them. I got stung by a bee right on my bellard, the bastard flew right down into the cleave...stung me right on top of the bell. So that wasn't good, then I started having weird stomach cramps and achs. Yea, needless to say, it probably wasn't the best decision in my life. But I'm sure Ollie had a blast swishin' around in there! I'm gearin' him up for what's to come...wood blocks in the shoes for the height restrictions at Lagoon!


The Prigmore Family said...

Bee sting on the bell?! I can't believe it! I bet Ollie loved swirlin' around on those slides. You'll be taking him on that damn Xscream in vegas before you know it.

ps why is roxy so husky?!

Michele said...

Oh my heck, I am laughing so hard right now... not because you got stung by a bee (I am sorry about that), but that you called it a bastard. So funny!

I loved reading all your fun updates!