Saturday, May 30, 2009

So You're Saying There's a Chance...!?


Tegan said...

Congrats!!!!! That's so exciting!

Rob and Juliann said...

Yay for you guys! Although as a woman who is currently 39 weeks pregnant, I must say, I'm sorry it's going to take so long! Wow, so you did the Iron woman PREGNANT??

Tonya said...

Congrats for you! Really 4 test? That is awesome I wish you all the best!

Team Hansen said...

Congratulations! We can't wait meet Heidi Jr.

Dana said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations!!!

Rachel DeFreese said...

YaY! Congrats!

Necia said...

Seriously Heidi!?!!! I can't believe the Heidster is going to be a mother!! That's awesome. I met Jaime and Eag at the beach on Thursday...all that was missing was you!!! We need to have a 216 the big Rexburg :)!

The Bells said...

OH MY GOSH! That's freaking awesome! I am so so so excited for you! I hope it's a girl so they can be little cute friends. Or a boy so Baby B can date him. haha well, either way! But that's amazing. Keep me updated...

The Prigmore Family said...

Pretty maids...all in a row. I'm still in shock. Congrats my friend. I hope you birth a mini cave woman. :)

The Bells said...

What? I didn't know you lived in Hawaii. Where have I been? haha. Waimea is gorgeous! Aaron and I spent a day in Haleiwa at all the surf/skate shops and whatnot. It was on a Sunday so we got to go to the locals farmers market too which was super cool. We LOVED Sharks Cove and I think Sunset was possibly our favorite beach. That's so funny because some of the people we were with were talking about the famous "A-Frame" and all the cool people and parties there! hahaha. They showed us it and everything! Good times for sure.

Oh, and I'm 31.5 weeks. I hate how weeks and months don't coincide with each other in pregnancy. It confuses people. 40 weeks does NOT add up to 9 months people. Anyway, she is due exactly 2 months from yesterday! But I told her it's cool if she wants to come early.

Michele said...

Congratulations Heidi!! I am so, so excited for your guys!! I can't wait to see your little baby bump grow.

Jen and Bryan said...

oh my gosh!! YEAH! You are going to HATE being pregnant but the end result is bitchen! Time to get a nice camera. I have a Canon 5D Mark 2. You don't have to go that extreme though. A 50D is a great camera and will keep you happy for a long long time. The key is to shoot in manual. Good luck!

Vinson & Marti said...

Ha Ha! I just looked up your blog since you told me yesterday, and I did the same thing to announce my pregnancy on our blog!

Molly said...

Heidi!! Yeah! I'm so happy for you! Someday our peeps need to be friends!!