Monday, November 17, 2008

Visitors in Town!

We have some visitors in town this week!  

My brother, his wife Christina, and their two adorable kids came to visit from North Carolina! 
It was so exciting to have 2 lil ones runnin around, made us begin to "Talk" about having kids.  
Keyword is "Talk" get off my back! 
Jayden and Caleb were such a joy to have around, my patience have been tested.  ha. Love you guys!


Since I haven't blogged for a little bit, is a few pictures over the past couple of months.  This one is my wonderful friends who picked me up in a limo for my Birthday, 

and some good friends from work,

 and my husband being Scuba Steve!!  Tomorrow is his last "open" water dive and he's officially a Scuba Steve!

Here's to the Doggies (Roxy & Max)

Ok-Ok, everyone has been asking me to post about our dogs.  Well, sadly enough, as weird as it   

may be, they are our babies.  Until we have kids, the dogs are spoiled and get whatever they want. ha.  Almost.  They are such sweet, good doggies.  

We teach them tricks here and there, and they LOVE a game of "Chuck It!"  Whoever made this invention, is a genius!  We have a big ol' gulley right by our house that we take them too, and this toy can "Chuck" the ball clear across this gulley.  It's amazing.  

This is what happens when they get a hold of a stuffed animal!  We have to start wheening them to sleep in their own doggy beds, it's become a habit of sleeping at the foot of our bed.  But hey, there's plenty of room.  The more the merrier!  This picture down below, is a $300 mistake! Ya, "someone" accidently grabbed the wrong size door, and cut holes, drilled, and installed an expensive doogy door in it.  Once "someone" took our old door completely off, and tried to put this one on, um was about 6" too short of reaching the hinges.  So, if anybody is interested..go to craigslist.   

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Girls Trip to Vegas!

We took a Girls Trip down to Sin City. (trouble I know)  I flew in and met two of my greatest friends from California down there.  This picture above was us at the Cheese Cake Factory, (our waiter probably wanted to kill us - 3hrs. later!) we met one of our old roommates from Hawaii for dinner. (Kara lives there).  It was great catching up, and talking about sweet nothings.  Speaking of sweet...did you know 2 scoops of "Gelato" costs $15.95?  What the...?  After the Gelato employee scooped all of our "Gelato", and then rang up the, was $15.95 for 2 scoopers.  We ended up walking the employee was yelling, "But it's Gelato!".   

We laid out a bunch at the pool and lazy river.  And yes, Eag in this picture is 7 mos. a string bikini mind you.  For all who thought it was not possible...oh it's possible. 

Oh, and not to forget the most traumatizing event of the trip...the X-Scream at the top of the Stratosphere!  I can now cross this off my bucket list.  This was, the most, tramautizing moment of all times.  Jaime was, well let's just say paralyzed for a few minutes after we got off.  We really thought we were going to die on this ride.  It has now made me realize all the important things in my life.  (ha)  Here is some pictures to remember the event that moved time.  

Not to mention a few highlights:  Jaime finding her $14k blue diamond ring from Tiffany's that Dan will get her when the "Biz" gets going, Pregnant Eaggy getting persuaded to poise in hoisters, and a girdle at Vic's, us sending the picture to Ian saying..."Nee-Ner, Nee-Ner, We got her!"  Getting kicked out of Dolce & Gabbana by security as I'm trying on a coat made of REAL HUMAN HAIR and Jaime trying to take a picture of me, Scary maintenance man at the hotel kept fixing things in our room as Jaime keeps requesting for more thinking nothing of this creeper, not to forget - "Extreme Moose Tracks."

Saturday, September 13, 2008